Start Up Central Kansas Entrepreneurship Series (Ice House)

Class Schedule:

  • Week 1: Welcome & Overview

  • Week 2: Introduction

  • Week 3: Recognize Opportunities

  • Week 4: Ideas in Action

  • Week 5: Pursuit of Knowledge and Building your Brand

  • Week 6: Creating Community

  • Week 7: The Power of Persistence

  • Week 8: Final Presentations

MORE INFO: Check out this Video

 Next Session TBD

Start Up Central Kansas is an 8-week certificate program based on the Kansas  Ice House Entrepreneurship Program that develops an entrepreneurial mindset and skills like critical thinking, communication, problem solving and other key  assets crucial for success in business and life. The program combines classroom presentations with video interviews and case studies featuring modern day  examples of entrepreneurs who have triumphed over adversity by embracing  an entrepreneurial mindset. Each lesson includes discussion topics and  assignments that encourage real-world application of the concepts. 

The Ice House Entrepreneurship Program was created by the Kauffman Foundation as a powerful learning program designed to educate and engage participants, leading them to develop the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset. The curriculum is inspired by the life story of Pulitzer nominee, Clifton Taulbert, and taught by accredited facilitators in a lively classroom environment. Online lessons and homework complement the in-person sessions. This popular course has been taught in 15 times in 12 E-Communities and is partially underwritten by NetWork Kansas on a competitive basis. More than 175 participants have benefited from the program including accountants, startups, bankers, restaurants, microbreweries, students, chiropractors, pharmacists, consultants, manufactures and many others.

Program Benefits:

If you're interested in our upcoming Start Up Central Kansas Entrepreneurship Series, contact or call the Chamber Office at 620-285-6916.

  • Develop an empowering entrepreneurial mindset that looks for ways to turn obstacles into opportunities.

  • Grow alongside like-minded entrepreneurial peers in an inspiring, interactive learning environment

  • Learn from success stories of multiple entrepreneurs - both in the curriculum and guest speakers from our community

  • A combination of classroom learning and homework assignments reinforce entrepreneurial growth

  • Curriculum based on the real-life experience of entrepreneur, Clifton Taulbert

If you have interest in the Start Up Central Kansas Entrepreneurship Series, contact or call the Chamber Office at 620-285-6916 to discuss upcoming classes.