Our Community

Welcome to Larned! Larned, Kansas is the county seat in Pawnee County, Kansas and is home to roughly 3,700 residents. In addition to Larned, Pawnee County is made up of three other communities – Garfield, Rozel and Burdett. Larned is a community that cares, explores, connects and grows.

Larned cares. Our community depends on our strong volunteer basis. Our residents have a passion for Larned. Our community is rooted in service and pride. Through service to our fellow citizens, we grow. If there is something we want to achieve as a community, we work together to make it happen. Larned has rallied together to keep a hospital within our community, and in 2020 we celebrated the 10-year anniversary of our community-owned critical care hospital, Pawnee Valley Community Hospital. We were able to open a community-owned women’s dress store and re-open a community-owned movie theatre. Larned is a community invested in its residents and providing a great small-town quality of life – great to raise a family or retire.

Larned explores. Larned is an area full of rich history and tourism, as it is located on the Santa Fe Trail and home to the Fort Larned National Historic Site. We’re a welcoming community in the heart of Kansas where hospitality and historic roots run deep.  Visitors find a variety of options, including a tour of Fort Larned, one of the best preserved military forts in the country, Santa Fe Trail Center Museum, historic homes tour and several other museums and landmarks.  The surrounding countryside allows the opportunity to enjoy the regions rural beauty, parks, and hiking.  Kids and adults enjoy our well stocked local fishing pond, parks, pool, and splash pad. For sportsmen and women the area is also known for ample hunting opportunities and hunting lodges.


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Larned connects. We embrace the hometown atmosphere. Larned is a place where residents can walk to work and locals find plenty of community events and activities to get involved in, like late night shopping on the bricks of our downtown. We enjoy connecting with others through run-ins while picking up your groceries at Dillons, working the concessions at a home baseball game, or learning more about local offerings through weekly business spotlights. Our rural town is home to several businesses and organizations, large and small. No matter the industry or size, our businesses are willing to come together to better our community. Our businesses are filled with local pride.

Larned grows. The area is strong in healthcare, agriculture, and food-grade industries which provides many jobs and business opportunities in the area. In rural Kansas, we have a strong backbone in agriculture. We get to enjoy the true beauty of watching a Kansas sunset from your deck or from your combine during harvest. We take pride in investing in the youth of Pawnee County, as we are home to two school districts – Fort Larned USD 495, and Pawnee Heights USD 496. We are dedicated to helping further our youth and strive to instill enough nostalgic memories to encourage them to stay or come back home after pursuing their degree or trade.

We love Larned and hope you take the opportunity to love our community, too.

Larned Community Overview